Saturday, June 8, 2013

Stark Trek into Darkness Poster and t-shirt

I am happy that I won a prize in Facebook contest, yeah just like and share as easy as that I am one of the lucky winners. I shared the prize with my loved one, giving the Star Trek Into Darkness t-shirt to my sister-in-law. The shirt is made in Mexico, woot my first time to receive such wonderful prize!

I would like to share my winning with my lovely blog follower of this blog. I am giving away the TGV Cinemas IMAX tumbler, all you need to do is answer the following questions and email to "sherrygo at Hotmail dot com", just remove " and put in @ and . Giveaway is open to my follower with an address in Malaysia for postage.

  1. Name the first horror movie I watched and blogger about on this blog.
  2. Name the movie my son loves watching with me in MBO Cinema, Subang Parade last year.
  3. Slogan not more than 15 words "I like to win from MMB because .... "
  4. Subscribed to my blog using your email address, make sure your validate it.
  5. Email the answer to above email with your full name, email address that you used for blog email subscription. Title email "TGV Cinemas IMAX tumbler giveaway"
  6. Giveaway ends on 16 June 2013, at 12 midnight Malaysia time.
  7. You also need to be GFC Follower of my blog to take part.
I will choose one winner with the correct answers and creative slogan to win. Let the fun begin!
Winner will be given 48 hours to reply my email else the prize be forfeit.

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